星期五, 4月 10, 2009

The first encounter with Helsinki! (April10)

Can you believe that we arrived at the airport at 3:30AM! It's hard to imagine that I can get up so early!
In fact, we had a long way before we get to our destination—Helsinki! First, we flew to H.K. and then transferred to Finland. Totally, it took us more than 15 hours to get to our destination. Luckily, it's a good day in Helsinki.
After checking-in at the hotel, we took a walk on the street to a big church. It is the Cathedral! The Cathedral is designed by C.L. Engel in splendid Neoclassical style. Besides, we found lots of people paraded on the streets. We even saw fantastic fireworks in the sky. It’s the Easter Festival here! Though it is tiring, it's a wonderful day!
