星期四, 4月 16, 2009

Homestay (April 14)

This morning, a bus took us to Pielisjoen Koulu for a one-day visit. It is a high school intended for students of age from 13 to 16. The principal, Mr. Hannu Naumanen, showed his deepest hospitality to welcome us. Under his plan, lots of his students served as guides in this school. Each guide is quite graceful and pretty. They took us to art, music, Finnish, or even cooking classes.The school has more than 300 students, but in each class, there are less than 20 students. It's quite different in Taiwan. Usually, each high school in Taiwan has more than 1000 students and more than 35 students share one classroom. Before the end of the day, we still had one exciting task. It is the HOME STAY activity! To my surprise, a pretty girl appeared! She is Seela! She took James and I back to her home. As usual, she took a trek with her little dog. And, we followed. Seela also taught us how to ski. Then, we enjoyed dinner with her family, including her mother and two brothers. Her father was absent for a trip to Helsinki. It was quite a new and special experience to stay in a foreigner's house. Thank Seela and her family!
