星期三, 4月 22, 2009

Back home!(April 22)

Mommy and I couldn't make sure we slept at day or at nights in the airplane, but I knew that we watched at least 3 movies in Finair planes. Due to the limited personal space, playing games or watching videos is really a good way to attract our attention.
After landing in Taiwan, we rushed to see my father, who had been waiting for an hour. It's quite good to be back again. I miss my father, my school and...my own bed! Mother took a photo for all the stuff she bought in this trip. These are all the gifts for me, my father and for HERSELF!

The last day in Helsinki(April 21)

This is the last day that we stayed in Helsinki and we had to take a flight back to Taiwan this afternoon. Since we had only a few hours for the sight-seeing, we chose to go the Seurasaari Open-Air Museum. When we got to this museum, we thought it looked like a park more than a museum. It is located on a beautiful green island, which is a tranquil oasis in the midst of the city. Here, the traditional Finnish way of life is displayed in the cottages, farmsteads and manors of the past four centuries that have been relocated from all around Finland.
The most interesting we found in this island was a toilet! There's no flushing facility in the washing room. It showed us the traditional way for a toilet; that is, people use saw dust instead of water to cover our droppings. Quite environmental friendly, right?

星期一, 4月 20, 2009

Shopping(April 20)

Though we couldn't stay in Tallinn for more days, we bought lots of souvenirs to keep the wonderful memory in our brains. After breakfast, we left Estonia for Helsinki. I hope next time we might stay more time in such a beautiful and historical country.
Back to Helsinki, we rushed to downtown for shopping. Stockmann is the biggest department store here, we chose to start from the highest floor. Finland is famous for its designs; Mommy selected to buy a pepper-and-salt grinder. I think she was attracted by its appearance and convenience.
If you are interested in what I bought this afternoon, it is a pity that I cannot show the gift right now. Since we need to get the tax-free refund at the airport tomorrow, all the gifts we bought today were sealed. After getting back to Taiwan, I will share with everyone the gifts I chose for myself and for my Daddy.

星期日, 4月 19, 2009

Superstar(April 19)

This morning, we took simple luggage and got to the seaport for taking ferries. Our ship, Superstar, was intended to sail across the Gulf of Finland and landed in Estonia. As we know, Estonia is one of the Baltic states, which include Latvian and Lithuanian as well. The ship was so big that it contained a supermarket, four different restaurants and one perfume shops. We enjoyed ourselves and got busy finding gifts in the shops and arrived the capital of Estonia, Tallinn.
Because Estonia was one of the members in European Union, we passengers got out of the terminal quite quickly without examination of the customs. Soon, the local tour guide, Allis, took us to the old town of Tallinn. The buildings here was beautiful, which were influenced by Danish, German and Russian people in the history. That is why they were different from the ones we see in Finland.. We took many photos and bought several gifts around the square market.

Holiday Inn(April 18 )

This is the day we would leave Joensuu. Before saying goodbye to the Youth Hostel, we decided to play snowballs again. Everyone got so exhausted because there would be no snowballs after we got back to Helsinki.
Taking trains was quite a big challenge to us due to our heavy luggage. At the critical moment, my nose kept bleeding for the cold and dry air. This bothered me and my mother a lot. After settling down everything in the train, we found my nine-axis robot was left in the train station of Joensuu. This depressed us so much that I didn't know what to say. Mommy told me to cheer up because she would help me to make a new one back in Taiwan, which comforted me a lot.
Back to Helsinki, we moved to Holiday Inn for one-night stay. The room was quite cozy for me. I washed my hair and my body again and again. It compensated me for the inconvenience of taking bath in Joensuu.

星期六, 4月 18, 2009

SciFest Run 2009(April 17)

Though it's the second day of the exhibition, we got busier than yesterday. Saku, Pinja and their classmates came to join us. We were so happy to see them. I taught them how to make a little “cockroach” ( a micro robot). They were so smart and finished it quite soon. Saku gave me a pack of candy as a gift. “Thank you, Saku. I appreciate your friendship and hospitality forever!”
The exhibition ended in the afternoon. We were so tired but satisfied. Before leaving the stadium, we took lots of photos with our foreign friends and invited them to come to Taiwan. “SciFest, see you next year!”

SciFest Run 2009(April 16)

We got up early for the opening ceremony of SciFest Run 2009. It's so great to see people from different countries got together for sharing innovative and fresh new ideas. SciFest Chairman Erkiie was asked to give short speech for us. He took a stick and asked different people about the usage of the stick in his hand. Since each person gave different suggestions about the stick, Erkiie said it is the spirit of SciFest and it is why people gathered in Joensuu for sharing ideas.

Soon, we got back to our station. My team, Red Robots, was first intended for showing guests our robots with nine axises. Since our robots were decorated to many interesting styles, including Ma-Zu(Taiwanese Goddess), Santa Claus, Chinese Lions, Chinese Puppets, etc, our foreign friends were deeply attracted.

Before the end of the day, Mr. Erkiie announced that our team won the golden award of the exhibition. Everyone of us got so excited to hear the news. All of us enjoyed the pleasure such an honor.

星期五, 4月 17, 2009

Elementary school(April 15)

This morning, we continued our plan to visit another school, Nepenmäen koulu. It's an elementary school intended for students from age 6 to 12. It's in this school that we met Saku and Pinja. They were the school guides for me and Sam. Saku's English is quite good. Pinja is a little bit shy but she tried to show us many different classes. We were so impressive with a Finnish traditional instrument they showed us. It has five strings only but Saku could play with it easily.
After lunch, Saku took us to play football with his classmates. It was so fantastic to RUN ON THE ICE and fell down with laughters from all the kids of Taiwan and Finland.

星期四, 4月 16, 2009

Homestay (April 14)

This morning, a bus took us to Pielisjoen Koulu for a one-day visit. It is a high school intended for students of age from 13 to 16. The principal, Mr. Hannu Naumanen, showed his deepest hospitality to welcome us. Under his plan, lots of his students served as guides in this school. Each guide is quite graceful and pretty. They took us to art, music, Finnish, or even cooking classes.The school has more than 300 students, but in each class, there are less than 20 students. It's quite different in Taiwan. Usually, each high school in Taiwan has more than 1000 students and more than 35 students share one classroom. Before the end of the day, we still had one exciting task. It is the HOME STAY activity! To my surprise, a pretty girl appeared! She is Seela! She took James and I back to her home. As usual, she took a trek with her little dog. And, we followed. Seela also taught us how to ski. Then, we enjoyed dinner with her family, including her mother and two brothers. Her father was absent for a trip to Helsinki. It was quite a new and special experience to stay in a foreigner's house. Thank Seela and her family!

Hi, Joensuu! We are coming! (April 13)

This morning, as we expected, we woke up on the train when getting back to Helsinki. After a big meal in the hotel, we rushed to the main station again for going on another trip to Joensuu. Though it seemed to be a piece of cake to get on the train for most of the travelers, we felt anxious because our trunks were so MUCH and HEAVY! It is not until the last one trunk and the last one of us got on the train that all of us got relieved! The closer we got to Joensuu, the more snow appeared again in front of us! This meant it turned colder. After more than 4 hours, we finally arrived our real destination—Joensuu! This is the beginning of our technology exhibition!
As soon as we got to the Youth Hostel, ScienFest Chairman, Erkiie and his wife came to visit us. Though it's cold to take photos in the snow fields, the smiles on our faces warmed all of us!

星期一, 4月 13, 2009

Arctic Circle (April 12)

When the sun rose and the first sunlight pierced into our room, our eyes sparkled. Outside the windows, the earth was covered with SNOW! White was the only color we could see! As soon as we got out of the train, all of the children, including me, rushed into the snow. We stepped on the snow, jumped on the snow and attacked each with the snow! We, people from subtropical areas, never see so much snow and ice around us! That's why we couldn't help ourselves! I think this is the most exciting moment today! We got across the ARCTIC CIRCLE already! In the photos, it's Santa Claus Village! All of us took pictures with the Santa. Besides, reindeer took us hanging around with a snow sledge! The most touching thing is that my mother and I wrote postcards to my father in Taiwan. Both of us selected a special card to express our blessings and missing to him.

The First Night to Stay on a Train! (April 11)

This is the first time we get to Helsinki. We spent all the day for a city tour! We visited the Uspensky Orthodox Cathedral, Sibelius Monument, Temppeliaukio Church, and Olympic Stadium. The most interesting thing is that there was a Market Square besides the harbor. Lots of women, especially elder ones, were selling weaving scarfs and hats. Those hand-made products were full of exotic features. To our astonishment, we found a “FOX” scarf! It's made of real fox fur. We even saw the fox HEAD on the scarf! All of us felt sorry for the poor fox. By the evening, all of us got to the main station for taking the night train. It had to take us more than 13 hours to get close to the arctic circle. We were so excited to sleep on the train. There are three beds in each cabinet. Since there is not so much space, our beds are embedded on the wall vertically. For us, it was much fun to use a ladder to go to bed. With the vibration of our train, we slept like a baby in a cradle and had a sweet dream on the way north.

星期五, 4月 10, 2009

The first encounter with Helsinki! (April10)

Can you believe that we arrived at the airport at 3:30AM! It's hard to imagine that I can get up so early!
In fact, we had a long way before we get to our destination—Helsinki! First, we flew to H.K. and then transferred to Finland. Totally, it took us more than 15 hours to get to our destination. Luckily, it's a good day in Helsinki.
After checking-in at the hotel, we took a walk on the street to a big church. It is the Cathedral! The Cathedral is designed by C.L. Engel in splendid Neoclassical style. Besides, we found lots of people paraded on the streets. We even saw fantastic fireworks in the sky. It’s the Easter Festival here! Though it is tiring, it's a wonderful day!

星期五, 4月 03, 2009

My Robots

Hello, everybody! My name is Kevin and I going to introduce my robots!

My first robot can walk with a motor. It is easy to make it because all the components are ready-made. All I need to do is combine them together.

The second robot is different from the first one. It doesn’t look like a “robot”. It looks like an arm only. But it can catch lots of things, such as pencils, erasers, ping-pong balls. The happiest thing for our classmates to do is to play with such a robot. We are divided into two teams and each team needs to pass a ping-pong ball with the robots and throw it into a cup. Besides, if you ask me how I make this robot, I must tell you that it takes me FIVE motors to finish it. That’s why it can turn, it can raise itself up or lower down.

The third robot and also the last one, so far, is very complicated. All the components are made by myself. We must pay attention to the size and the shape when I was making them. Otherwise, I have no compatible components to use. Besides, it has nine motors inside. This time, the motors are special for its turning angles. Each of them can turn 180 degrees only. We must take this characteristic into consideration before we finish our own robots. This type of robots are unique because they can be controlled by our voices. If we give them a command by voice, it will respond. We are still working on this. We hope we can “teach” them to talk with AI language chips.

In the future, my ideal robot would help kids to do homework and find excuses for me when I don’t behave myself. Ha…Ha…Ha… just kidding! I hope I will create a robot that can help humans solve difficult tasks, such as working in the space, treating illness within human bodies.
Each time I make a robot, my mind is full of happiness and expectation. I know I will do it better and better after so many tries!