星期六, 6月 27, 2009

The First Time Going Abroad Without My Parents! (June 27)

I am quite excited for the coming competition in Austria. Actually, I will fly to Austria tonight. It’s for RoboCup 2009!

I think I am so lucky to attend this competition! I hope our team may get the first prize and enjoy the game with all the people from different countries!

Please keep getting online for my latest news!

星期三, 4月 22, 2009

Back home!(April 22)

Mommy and I couldn't make sure we slept at day or at nights in the airplane, but I knew that we watched at least 3 movies in Finair planes. Due to the limited personal space, playing games or watching videos is really a good way to attract our attention.
After landing in Taiwan, we rushed to see my father, who had been waiting for an hour. It's quite good to be back again. I miss my father, my school and...my own bed! Mother took a photo for all the stuff she bought in this trip. These are all the gifts for me, my father and for HERSELF!

The last day in Helsinki(April 21)

This is the last day that we stayed in Helsinki and we had to take a flight back to Taiwan this afternoon. Since we had only a few hours for the sight-seeing, we chose to go the Seurasaari Open-Air Museum. When we got to this museum, we thought it looked like a park more than a museum. It is located on a beautiful green island, which is a tranquil oasis in the midst of the city. Here, the traditional Finnish way of life is displayed in the cottages, farmsteads and manors of the past four centuries that have been relocated from all around Finland.
The most interesting we found in this island was a toilet! There's no flushing facility in the washing room. It showed us the traditional way for a toilet; that is, people use saw dust instead of water to cover our droppings. Quite environmental friendly, right?

星期一, 4月 20, 2009

Shopping(April 20)

Though we couldn't stay in Tallinn for more days, we bought lots of souvenirs to keep the wonderful memory in our brains. After breakfast, we left Estonia for Helsinki. I hope next time we might stay more time in such a beautiful and historical country.
Back to Helsinki, we rushed to downtown for shopping. Stockmann is the biggest department store here, we chose to start from the highest floor. Finland is famous for its designs; Mommy selected to buy a pepper-and-salt grinder. I think she was attracted by its appearance and convenience.
If you are interested in what I bought this afternoon, it is a pity that I cannot show the gift right now. Since we need to get the tax-free refund at the airport tomorrow, all the gifts we bought today were sealed. After getting back to Taiwan, I will share with everyone the gifts I chose for myself and for my Daddy.

星期日, 4月 19, 2009

Superstar(April 19)

This morning, we took simple luggage and got to the seaport for taking ferries. Our ship, Superstar, was intended to sail across the Gulf of Finland and landed in Estonia. As we know, Estonia is one of the Baltic states, which include Latvian and Lithuanian as well. The ship was so big that it contained a supermarket, four different restaurants and one perfume shops. We enjoyed ourselves and got busy finding gifts in the shops and arrived the capital of Estonia, Tallinn.
Because Estonia was one of the members in European Union, we passengers got out of the terminal quite quickly without examination of the customs. Soon, the local tour guide, Allis, took us to the old town of Tallinn. The buildings here was beautiful, which were influenced by Danish, German and Russian people in the history. That is why they were different from the ones we see in Finland.. We took many photos and bought several gifts around the square market.

Holiday Inn(April 18 )

This is the day we would leave Joensuu. Before saying goodbye to the Youth Hostel, we decided to play snowballs again. Everyone got so exhausted because there would be no snowballs after we got back to Helsinki.
Taking trains was quite a big challenge to us due to our heavy luggage. At the critical moment, my nose kept bleeding for the cold and dry air. This bothered me and my mother a lot. After settling down everything in the train, we found my nine-axis robot was left in the train station of Joensuu. This depressed us so much that I didn't know what to say. Mommy told me to cheer up because she would help me to make a new one back in Taiwan, which comforted me a lot.
Back to Helsinki, we moved to Holiday Inn for one-night stay. The room was quite cozy for me. I washed my hair and my body again and again. It compensated me for the inconvenience of taking bath in Joensuu.

星期六, 4月 18, 2009

SciFest Run 2009(April 17)

Though it's the second day of the exhibition, we got busier than yesterday. Saku, Pinja and their classmates came to join us. We were so happy to see them. I taught them how to make a little “cockroach” ( a micro robot). They were so smart and finished it quite soon. Saku gave me a pack of candy as a gift. “Thank you, Saku. I appreciate your friendship and hospitality forever!”
The exhibition ended in the afternoon. We were so tired but satisfied. Before leaving the stadium, we took lots of photos with our foreign friends and invited them to come to Taiwan. “SciFest, see you next year!”